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Website Translation Tool (WEB-T)

Universal Plugin tutorial

How it works 

The plugin translates the currently rendered webpage content into the selected language. All translations are saved into a database, allowing you to edit them via Translation editor on the Translation Hub. 

Setup the Translation Hub: 

  1. Set-up and prepare Kubernetes environment.  
  2. Download deployment HELM and configure values. 
  3. Deploy. 
  4. Make available to the outside. 

Obtain eTranslation or WEB-T compatible translation provider authorization information: 

Use these credentials on the Translation Hub. 

Create an integration and embed the JavaScript plugin on your website: 

  1. Create a Website Translator integration on the Translation Hub. 
  2. Embed the generated JavaScript code into your website. 

Translate your website and improve the automated translations: 

  1. Translate your website by going through all pages and selecting every target language from the menu. 
  2. Use Translation editor to improve translated texts. The corrections will instantly appear on your website. 
  3. When new content is added in the original language, re-translate the edited page by selecting every target language from the menu. 

First time the content of any page is loaded it will take some time to translate it. The translations will be saved into a database and will load faster the next time. 

What are its limitations? 

WEB-T Universal does not provide media or email translation.  

Please note: Websites using WEB-T plugin with eTranslation integration enabled must be published and accessible online from eTranslation service. Translation with eTranslation will not work otherwise.


Translation Hub setup 

The toolkit consists of several microservices, each component is deployable as docker container. 


  • Frontend (frontend) – Application responsible for all GUI and its operations. It is using Angular, that means this is Single Page Application 
  • Translation Hub API (websiteTranslationService) – service for translation management 
  • Configuration service (configurationService) - service for configurations 
  • MT API Integrator (mtApiIntegrator) – service for MT services 
  • eTranslation Provider (eTranslationProxy ) – service for eTranslation implementation 
  • Redis - DB for eTranslation 
  • MySQL - DB for APIs 

Minimal system requirements 

  • At least a 2-core x86/x64 CPU (Central Processor Unit) 
  • 5 GB of RAM (Random Access Memory) or more 
  • 30 GB of storage or more (for DB) 
  • Internet access 

Supported software versions 

  • Kubernetes cluster version 1.25+ 
  • Helm 3.5+ 
  • MySQL server 8.0 

Kubernetes cluster 

You will need kubectl (instructions) and Helm (instructions) installed. 

Running WEB-T Translation Hub locally in a dev environment 

For testing and development purposes, an easy option to get Kubernetes running is to install Rancher Desktop. Once you have it installed, you will also need to setup an ingress controller. Rancher uses Traefik as the default one, so disable it first by unchecking Enable Traefik from the Kubernetes Settings page. Then deploy the NGINX ingress controller:

helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace 

MySQL Databases 

Setup WEB-T databases on MySQL 8.0 server 

Please note: use separate on-premise or cloud hosted MySQL server or run MySQL server in Kubernetes. MySQL server must be reachable from Kubernetes Pods 

Prepare empty WEB-T databases (DB) and users for databases: 

Adjust DB, DB user names and DB user passwords as needed, must match with the database names in your Helm chart values.yaml file. 

-- For configurationService component 

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `webt_configuration` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'webt_configuration_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'webt_configuration_user_pass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `webt_configuration`.* TO 'webt_configuration_user'@'%'; 

-- For websiteTranslationService component 

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `webt_website_translation` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'webt_website_translation_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password
BY 'webt_website_translation_user_pass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `webt_website_translation`.* TO 'webt_website_translation_user'@'%';

Build WEB-T container images and push containers to your container registry 

Read about building docker container images here 

Component Source code repository Corresponding Helm chart yaml 
configurationService Configuration serviceconfiguration-service.yaml 
eTranslationProxy eTranslation providertranslation-proxy-e-translation.yaml 
frontend Frontend frontend.yaml 
mtApiIntegrator MT API Integrator mt-api-integrator.yaml
websiteTranslationService API website-translation- service.yaml

Installing the chart 

Using the chart from GitHub repo 

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone

    cd deployment/translation-hub

  2. Make sure to update values.yaml with corresponding values or create new values file. 

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Translation Hub chart. The current default values can be found in values.yaml file. 

Parameters Description 
basicAuth.enabled Enable use of basic authentication for the frontend access - set "true" or "false" 
basicAuth.credentials [Optional] Set credentials for basic authentication 
configurationService.dbConnectionString Configuration Service Database connection string Configuration Service Image name 
configurationService.image.pullSecret Configuration Service Image pull secret 
configurationService.image.repository Configuration Service Image repository 
configurationService.image.tag Configuration Service Image tag ETranslation Proxy Image name 
eTranslationProxy.image.pullSecret ETranslation Proxy Image pull secret 
eTranslationProxy.image.repository ETranslation Proxy Image repository 
eTranslationProxy.image.tag ETranslation Proxy Image tag Frontend Image name 
frontend.image.pullSecret Frontend Image pull secret 
frontend.image.repository Frontend Image repository 
frontend.image.tag Frontend Image tag 
global.domain Translation Hub domain name eTranslation translation recipient email - for testing only, leave empty after testing 
global.eTranslation.timeout eTranslation timeout 
ingress.tlsSecret Ingress TLS secret name MT API Integrator Image name 
mtApiIntegrator.image.pullSecret MT API Integrator Image pull secret 
mtApiIntegrator.image.repository MT API Integrator Image repository 
mtApiIntegrator.image.tag MT API Integrator Image tag 
websiteTranslationService.dbConnectionString Website translation service Database connection string Website translation service Image name 
websiteTranslationService.image.pullSecret Website translation service Image pull secret 
websiteTranslationService.image.repository Website translation service Image repository 
websiteTranslationService.image.tag Website translation service Image tag 

Optional: Configuration for Restricting Access to translation hub website (Basic Authentication): 

Credential preparation for Basic Authentication configuration: 
If basicAuth.enabled is set to true then user credentials must be configured in values.yaml file. 

Example on how to prepare Basic Auth configuration for web-t-user user with password web-t-pwd:

#  In Linux terminal execute command: 

htpasswd -nb web-t-user web-t-pwd

Command output example:  


# Next, copy part of previous output - the part after username and colon symbol (e.g. part after "web-t-user:") and paste that to second command to get the base64-encoded password hash to use as a password: 

printf '$apr1$j2PQtFMu$7uEKTHLBdxwAbYKvgdfmh/' | base64 

Command output example, use this for password configuration:


Update configuration in values.yaml file: 


  enabled: true    credentials:    - username: web-t-user       password: JGFwcjEkajJQUXRGTXUkN3VFS1RITEJkeHdBYllLdmdkZm1oLw==    # you can add more users if necessary by adding these lines with user prepared user credentials:     - username: user2      # to add another user       password: *pwd2*  # tanother users pwd 
  1. Install the chart with the release name translation-hub in web-t namespace. 

    helm install --create-namespace -n web-t translation-hub . -f values.yaml 


Please note: eTranslation is an online machine translation service provided by the European Commission (EC). eTranslation web service is asynchronous. This means that the client sends a translation request and is notified later when the text snippet is translated. Make sure that translation hub API domain is correctly exposed to the internet and can receive traffic from eTranslation servers. 

Uninstalling the chart 

To uninstall/delete the translation-hub deployment from web-t namespace, run: 

helm delete translation-hub --namespace web-t 

Delete web-t namespace 

kubectl delete namespace web-t

Translation Hub overview 

After you have set-up the Translation Hub, open the browser and navigate to the URL where it is located. 

On the Translation Hub, you will find: 

  • Translation Provider – for setting the translation provider authorization information (eTranslation API credentials or Base URL & API key). 
  • My integrations – for creating and managing your website integrations. Once you create an integration it appears in the “My integrations” list. 
  • Translation editor – for managing and editing translations (for each integration separately). 
  • Settings – for editing languages, machine translation engines and domain access (for each integration separately). This page also includes the generated JavaScript integration code. 
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Configure translation provider 

Before you continue:  
You must have an eTranslation or WEB-T compatible translation provider account. 
You have obtained eTranslation API credentials or Base URL & API key from your translation provider. 

To configure the MT Provider on the Translation Hub: 

  1. On the Translation Hub, open Translation provider. 
  2. Select MT provider (eTranslation or Custom). 
  3. Enter the required data (eTranslation API credentials or Base URL & API key). 
  4. Click Save. 
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Website translator integration 

Before you continue:  
You have deployed the Translation Hub and have access to it. 
You have configured the Translation provider. 

Integration consists of 2 main steps: 

  1. Creating an integration on the Translation Hub. 
  2. Including the generated JavaScript code into your website. 

After you have included the JavaScript code, the language selector will appear on your website, and you can start translating by selecting a language. 

💡 For most users we recommend following the steps in Integration (Basic).  

For more advanced use cases, see Integration (Advanced)

  • If you wish to display languages as buttons "see Configure the default language selector". 
  • If you wish to use a custom language selector "see Use a custom language selector". 
  • If your website is already multilingual "see Integrate in an already multilingual website". 

In this section: 

My integrations 

“My integrations” lists all of website integrations you have created on the Translation Hub.  From this view you can:  

  • create new integrations,  

  • access the Translation editor for a specific integration, 

  • access the Settings of a specific integration, 

  • delete integration by opening Settings of a specific integration. 

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Integration (Basic) 

Following the basic integration steps, you will add the default language selector to your website. This section includes an HTML example, that you can try. 

The language selector will appear as a dropdown. It will load the available languages automatically and start translation on selecting. The translations will appear on the Translation Hub in Translation editor where you can edit them. 

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Create new integration. 

To create a new website integration: 

  1. On the Translation Hub, open My integrations. 
  2. Click +Create website translator. 
  3. Select General setup. 
  4. Fill the form: 
    1. Give your integration a name. 
    2. Add your website domain URL. (, and should all be added separately by clicking Add another domain). 
    3. Select your website's original language. 
    4. Select the languages you want your website to be translated into. 
    5. In the generated table, select an MT engine for each language. 
  5. Click Save. 
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Include the generated JavaScript code into your website

To add the JavaScript plugin to your website:

  1. On the Translation Hub, open the Settings of the specific integration.
  2. Open General setup tab.
  3. Copy the language selector tag and insert it in your website code, where you want the language selector to appear.
  4. Copy the website translation widget script and insert it at the end of the <body> tag.
  5. The language selector should appear on your webpage. Reload the page if needed.
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Try an example

To create and translate a test page:

  1. Copy the example below.
  2. Replace WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId value from the generated code.
  3. Replace WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.url value to you Translation Hub URL.
  4. Save the file to your web solution.
  5. Open the example page in your web browser.

<html lang="en">
   <title>My title</title>
   <meta property="og:site_name" content="My site name">
   <meta name="description" content="Some site description.">
   <div class="website-translator"></div>
   <p>This will be translated</p>
     <p translate="no">This will not be translated</p>
   <p lang='ja'>これを訳して</p>
   <p>This text is <b>bold</b></p>
   <p>This is an example with a <a href="">link</a></p>
   <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
          // 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Client-ID
      WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId = "XXXXXXXXXXX";
      // 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Translation Hub URL
      WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.url = "XXXXXXXXXXX";

Translate the example page

Translated text segments get stored in a database. This means that translating the same page again will be a lot quicker and you can edit translations.

The translations will appear on the Translation Hub in Translation editor where you can edit them.

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Integration (Advanced)

Before you continue:
You will need to have some JavaScript knowledge to follow the Advanced integration instructions.
You will need to have access to edit the JavaScript integration embedded into your website.

In this section:

Setup language selector

Configure the default language selector

Before you continue:
You have followed the steps of Basic integration. The JavaScript plugin is embedded into your website.

Language selector can be displayed as a dropdown or a list of buttons that can be styled by CSS to further match your style. It will load the available languages automatically and start translation on selecting.

Add an element with class="website-translator" to your page. See: Try an example .

Setting WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.layout="menu" will display the language selector as a dropdown menu. It is the default appearance.

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The website translator’s language selector can be displayed as a list of buttons setting WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.layout="list".

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That can be further styled by overwriting CSS as you wish:

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Use a custom language selector

Before you continue:
You have created an integration on the Translation Hub.
The default language selector (dropdown or list of buttons) doesn’t fit your needs.


Initializes Website Translator - language select, fetches available MT systems. If there is lang parameter in URL, it will translate to language that is provided in parameter value. If there is no lang parameter and current source language is the same as last time when Tilde Website Translator was used, then it will translate to last translated target language.

Normally Initialize should be issued only once, but further calls will reinitialize language select. Consider this when your page changes DOM including language selector.

// Configure your personal access key
WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId = 'x-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xx'

// Initialize
await WebsiteTranslator.Initialize()

Start translation and wait until finished

Translate page to specific language. If you call Translate even if previous translation is not finished, it will cancel current translation, restore web page in original language and start new translation in specified language - same as to issue Cancel and restore translation and start new translation with Translate.

// You can call next translation even when previous is not finished
     // You can wait when page is translated
     console.log("Translation is complete")

When page is translated, web page url lang parameter is changed to translated language or added if it does not exist.

For example: -> If page translation is restored, then lang parameter is set to source language.

Cancel translation

Restores page in Source language.

Translate with given language
Get current language

Returns language code for web page. Value can be also SourceLanguage. This can be used to programmatically read web page language.

Get available languages and machine translation systems

Returns available languages and systems. Can be used to create custom language selector or language selection using JavaScript translation API.


Customize translation progress bar

Translation progress bar can be displayed at the top or bottom of the page or hidden completely. You will need to edit the JavaScript integration code on your website to change it.

Change display position

To change display position, you will have to set it from JavaScript.

Add the following line to the integration code:

WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.toolbarPosition = “top”


WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.toolbarPosition = “bottom”

Hide translation progress bar

Website visitors won’t see the translation progress bar and be able to revert the page to the original language by clicking the restore link.

Add the following line to the integration code:


Integrate in an already multilingual website

Use machine translation to make an already multilingual website available in more languages.

Specify the languages of your webpage that already have the translation embedded and machine translation should not be carried out. Configure the thirdPartyTranslationLanguages option, if we have German and French versions of the English pages:

WebsiteTranslator.Options   .translation.thirdPartyTranslationLanguages = ['de', 'fr']

Full example:


<!DOCTYPE html>


   <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></head>


    <div class="website-translator"></div>

    <p>This is an example</p> 




      // 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Client-ID

      WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId = "XXXXXXXXXXX";

     // 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Translation Hub URL

      WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.url = "XXXXXXXXXXX";

// Specify embedded languages of your webpage that has translation already

        var thirdPartyLanguages = ["de", "fr", "sv"];

        WebsiteTranslator.Options.translation.thirdPartyTranslationLanguages = thirdPartyLanguages;

        // Set language of the webpage that is currently rendered. Example shows how to get language code from document lang attribute.

        WebsiteTranslator.Options.currentLanguage = document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang')

        // Add custom logic to use embedded translations instead of machine translation

        WebsiteTranslator.Options.translation.onLanguageSelected = function (selectedLanguage) {

            return new Promise(function (resolve) {

                let translationHandled = false

      'Language selected: ' + selectedLanguage)

                // Check if custom action must be perform to open embedded translation bypassing machine translation process

                if (WebsiteTranslator.Options.translation.thirdPartyTranslationLanguages.includes(selectedLanguage)) {

                    translationHandled = true

                    if (WebsiteTranslator.Options.currentLanguage !== selectedLanguage) {

              'Redirecting to embedded language version of the page')

                        // Add your own logic on how to transform URL of current language to URL of selected target language

                        // or other necessary actions.

                        // Note. This replacement logic is to transform to

                        // and vice versa.

                        window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/page_\w+/, 'page_' + selectedLanguage)

                        // For example, for page to transform to

                        // window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/\/\w+/, "/" + selectedLanguage)






        // Initialize and run translations





Full configuration options list

Section contains a full list of plugin’s configuration options, that you can set through JavaScript.


The widget determines target language automatically if the webpage uses lang parameter in URL query. 

It supports ISO 639-1 language codes with optional ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. If language is not found with specified country code, then widget checks if language without country code is available. 


Type: String 

Default: null 

Current web page language (if the web page is already pre-translated). The language in which the website has been translated. When currentLanguage is not equal to source language, selecting language to translate, Website Translator will try to get page in language by calling translation.onLanguageSelected(language)

Debug mode


Type: Boolean

Default: false 

Enable verbose logging in console. 

Translation API options 


Type: String 

Default: null 

Authorization key which allows Website Translator to access translation API Required. 

Translation options


Type: Boolean 

Default: true 

Save last translation target language and on next page load, automatically translate to it. 

If browser url contains lang parameter in url, Website Translator will use it for translation. Otherwise, if lang parameter is not available, saved language will be used. 


Type: Boolean 

Default: false 

Translate only tags and their children which have translate="yes" attribute 


Type: Boolean 

Default: true 

Translate HTML attributes. 


Type: Function 

Default: () => Promise.resolve(false) 

Custom actions on selecting languages. This function if implemented should return Boolean -> true when Language must be Translated with Website Translator, false otherwise. 


Type: Array<string> 

Default: [] 

Define languages which are supposed to be translated with third party. 

UI options 


Type: Boolean 

Default: false 

Hide MT toolbar with translation progress. 


Type: Number 

Default: 500 

How much time to wait after user is started to hover translation to show suggestion popup (in ms) 


Type: String 

Default: bottom 

Where toolbar is positioned. Values can be: 

  • "top" - Show translation toolbar at the top of the page 
  • "bottom" - Show translation toolbar at the bottom of the page 

Type: HTMLElement 

Default: null 

Main container HTMLElement for web page that contains all scrollable content. 


Type: Boolean 

Default: true 

Show or hide translation popup Also when disabled, highlight for translated sentences won't be visible. 


Type: Boolean 

Default: false 

Show languages in native language in language selector. 


Type: String 

Default: source 

Translate UI, values can be: 

  • source - Show UI in source language 
  • target - Show UI in target language 

Type: Boolean 

Default: true 

Show or hide "restore" and "cancel" translation buttons on UI. 


Type: String 

Default: menu 

Change display mode of the language selection in UI, values can be: 

  • "menu" - Show available languages in select. 
  • "list" - Show available languages as list items. 
  • null - Hide language selector.


Edit existing integration

To change and add new languages or update the domains:

  1. On the Translation Hub, open My integrations.
  2. In the list of integrations, find the one you want to edit.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. On the General setup tab, scroll down to Website translator settings.
  5. Make your changes and click Save changes.

If you have your website open, you will need to reload the page (Ctrl+F5) to see the changes.

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Delete integration

To delete an integration:

  1. On the Translation Hub, open My integrations.
  2. In the list of integrations, find the one you want to delete.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. On the bottom of the page, click Delete website translator.
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Manage translations

View, edit and delete translations on the Translation Hub. Translate your webpage with the plugin for the translations to appear, refresh the Translation editor table to see new translations.

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Edit translation

Translations may need a bit of tweaking, or you might want to replace them with manual translations.

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To edit translation:

  1. In the table of translations, find the translation.
  2. Click on the row.
  3. Edit the translation.
  4. Click Save.
  5. The translation will be updated and marked as "confirmed" in the database.

HTML tags in the source and translation are displayed as numbered blocks. The colouring and numbers let you follow the order and match the opening and closing tags. Translation must contain all the tags from the source.

Missing and mismatched tag errors will be displayed under the segment. All the tags from the original segment must be present in the translation.

Tags can be dragged to reorder or deleted and inserted by clicking on them under the segment.

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Confirm translation

To confirm a translation:

  1. In the table of translations, find the translation.
  2. Click the “✔️” checkmark at the end of the row.

The translation in the database will be marked as “Confirmed”. When saving edits made to machine translation the status is automatically set to “Confirmed”. Machine translations not marked as “Confirmed” are still used in the translation. This feature is meant to help keep track of translations that should be reviewed.

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Delete translations

To delete a translation:

  1. In the table of translations, find the translation.
  2. Click the checkbox at the start of the row.
  3. Click Delete.
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Delete translations having a certain target language

You have decided to remove a certain language from your website and want to delete the saved translations.

To delete all matching translations:

  1. In the table of translations, select the target language from the drop-down menu.
  2. At the start of the table header row, click the checkbox.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Repeat until all translations are deleted.

Delete translations having a certain URL

You have decided to remove a certain page from your website and want to delete the saved translations.

To delete all matching translations:

  1. Filter the translations by URL.
  2. Repeat the steps from Delete translations having a certain target language for every language.

Delete all translations

Repeat the steps from Delete translations having a certain target language for every language. Or delete the whole Website translator integration.

Filter translations

Filter the translations table to:

  • Find translations or source text with matching words or phrases.
  • See only the translations you have not confirmed.
  • Find translations belonging to a certain page.
  • See only SEO translations.

Filter by status or translation type

To filter by translation type:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Machine translation or Manually edited.

To filter by translation status:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Unconfirmed or Confirmed.

Filter by content type

To see only the SEO meta tag translations:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Text or Meta (SEO).
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Filter by text

The text is searched in both original language segments and translations.

To filter the table by source or target text:

  1. In the search field, type the word or phrase.
  2. Press Enter.
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Filter by URL

The table can be filtered by:

  1. full url of the page, for example:,
  2. partial url, for example: /pages/my-page

To filter the table by source or target text:

  1. In the search field, type the url.
  2. Press Enter.
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SEO tags

SEO meta tags are translated by the plugin like any other text and appear in the Translation editor table. Translations are labelled with “SEO attribute:..”, found right under the page URL.

Filter the table by Content type to see only the SEO content.

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How do I integrate Website translator into my website?

See: Website translator integration.

Can I customize the language selector look?

See: Setup language selector or  Use a custom language.

Do I have to use the default language selector?

The website translator can be integrated with a custom language selector that fits your website’s design. Set the layout mode to null WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.layout=null and implement the selector yourself.

See: Use a custom language

Can I customize the translation notice?

See: Change display position and Hide translation progress.

Can I use machine translation alongside existing human translation?

If your website is already translated into several languages, you can define them as “third party languages” in configuration. When selecting either of them the website translator will not try to machine translate the content.

See: Integrate in an already multilingual.

I want to keep some parts untranslated / Some of my content is in another language.

Content that should not be translated, like addresses, lists of company names etc. should be marked as untranslatable. Add translate="no" attribute to the elements.

Content that is in a different language should be marked with a language attribute. If you don't mark this content as not translatable or different language the Website Translator will attempt to translate it and corrupt the content. Translation from several source languages at once is not supported.

I want to explicitly mark the content that should be translated.

Mark the elements that should be translated with translate=”yes” and add WebsiteTranslator.Options.translation.translateOnlyAllowedTags=true option to the configuration. No other content will be translated. If some child elements should not be translated mark them with translate=”no”.

<html lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <div class="website-translator"></div> <!-- This will be translated because it inherits document language "en"--> <p>This will be translated</p> <!-- This will not be translated because it has translate="no" attribute--> <p translate="no">This will not be translated</p> <!-- This will not be translated because it has different language from document source language --> <p lang='ja'>これを訳して</p> <ul translate="no"> <!-- This will not be translated because it inherits translate="no" attribute--> <li>Coffee</li> <!-- This will be translated because it overrides inherited translate="no" with translate="yes"--> <li translate="yes">Tea</li> <!-- This will not be translated because it inherits translate="no" attribute--> <li>Milk</li> </ul> </body> <footer> <script> // Configure plugin // 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Client-ID WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId = "XXXXXXXXXXX"; // 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Translation Hub URL WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.url = "XXXXXXXXXXX"; WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.toolbarPosition = "top" WebsiteTranslator.Initialize() </script> </footer> </html>


I want the translation progress bar to not be visible to the website visitors.

Add WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.headless=true option to the configuration. Website visitors won’t see the translation progress bar and be able to revert the page to the original language by clicking the restore link.

How can I edit the translations?

Translations can be edited on the Translation Hub. See: Manage translations

Does the plugin translate images and media content?

The widget does not translate images or media content.

Will the edit I made in one page affect the translations of the whole website?

Edits are made on a segment basis. You will be able to change the translation of a whole sentence or paragraph not a single word in a sentence. If the same segment appears elsewhere on your website, it will use the edited translation. If there are any changes in the segment it will have to be edited and approved separately. For example, editing a translation of an element in a menu or footer will affect all the pages it appears in, but changing the translation of a street name that appears in different sentences will affect only the identical sentences.

Will the translation edits I made in my test environment be used in production?

Yes, if you have used the same Website translator integration. If you want to keep the translations separate generate Website translator for each of the environments.

I want to add or change languages, or MT engines.

You can change or add new languages and domains in the Settings of each integration. On the Translation Hub open My integrations and find the correct integration, then click Settings.

How to update translations after changing translation engine?

To update the existing translations after changing the machine translation engine or translation provider:

  1. Delete the old translations for the specific language.
  2. Translate all content again.




I can't find some of my page content in the Translation editor

Make sure you open/view all the menus, forms and other dynamic content when translating your web page otherwise they won't be translated and saved to the database for editing. Wait for the translation to finish before closing the page.

How to enable debugging for the plugin?

Set WebsiteTranslator.Options.debug=true in JavaScript integration code.

The language selector is not displayed

Make sure you have added an element with class="website-translator" to your page.

My website is not being translated

1. The language is not set

Check if the language is declared correctly in HTML. Your HTML should have lang attribute defined. Website translator supports ISO 639-1 language codes with optional ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.

2. The contents have not been loaded

Make sure the contents of the page have been loaded before initializing the website translator. Different methods can be used to determine if the page has been loaded.

$(document).ready(function() { ... WebsiteTranslator.Initialize() })

For static websites it is recommended to place the Website translator configuration script at the end of the body tag.

Language of the Website translator’s UI keeps changing

The language of the translation bar and popups is set to the language you are translating into.

If you want them to be in the website’s original language, add the following line to the JavaScript integration code:



Website translation is slow / Translation makes the page load slower

First time the content of any page is loaded it will take some time to translate it. The translation will be saved in a translation database and will load faster the next time.

To make it load faster for the visitors it is recommended to "pre-translate" all the pages of your website. Go through pages, selecting each language from the Website translator's language selector to translate them.

Translation timed out

Waiting for the response from the translation engine took too much time. You can retry translating later.

The Website translator doesn’t look right

Globally set CSS styles can affect the appearance of the website translator. You can restyle it with CSS and fix the issues.