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Website Translation Tool (WEB-T)

Video tutorials for Wordpress & WooCommerce

Configure plugin

Before you begin: Install the plugin.

In this tutorial:

  1. Open Wordpress administrator dashboard.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Configure the translation provider.
  4. Configure translation languages and domains.
  5. Verify everything is setup correctly by translating a page.
WEB-T configuration for Wordpress & WooCommerce

Pre-translate existing content

In this tutorial:

  1. Open Worpdress administrator dashboard.
  2. Open WEB-T settings > Advanced and click "Translate all".
  3. Edit the translations with translation editor.
WEB-T pre-translate for Wordpress & WooCommerce

Translate and edit single article

In this tutorial:

  1. Open Wordpress administrator dashboard.
  2. Open the page you want to translate and click "Translate page".
  3. Edit the translations with translation editor.
WEB-T translate / edit single article for Wordpress & WooCommerce

Change translation provider

In this tutorial:

  1. Open Worpdress administrator dashboard.
  2. Open WEB-T Settings > Automated translation, select “Custom provider” and enter Base URL and API key.
  3. Open “General” tab and select the new translation domains. Language and MT engine support is translation provider dependant.

Note: You must delete the previously translated content, if you want to re-translate it with the new provider.

WEB-T change provider for Wordpress & WooCommerce